February 1980 | Technical Report TR-80-33
HF Radio Noise in the Topside Ionosphere
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Charles M. Rush, Rayner K. Rosich, and Carlene M. Mellecker, “HF Radio Noise in the Topside Ionosphere,” Technical Report TR-80-33, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, February 1980.
Charles M. Rush, Rayner K. Rosich, and Carlene M. Mellecker
Abstract: Radio noise of ground-based origin can be observed by a satellite borne receiver orbiting above the 2 region. The noise that is observed is a function of receiver frequency, satellite position, and local time at the sub-satellite point. A recently launched Defense Meteorological Satellite is equipped with a swept-frequency, high-frequency (HF) noise receiver and currently is providing data on a routine basis all along the satellite orbit. The receiver provides measurements of radio noise of terrestrial origin every 100 kHz in the frequency range 1.2 to 13.9 MHz. In this report, we discuss the characteristics of the noise environment as observed by the satellite durinq periods surrounding local dawn and local dusk.
Keywords: DMSP Satellite; HF propagation; HF radio noise; spectrum utilization
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