Institute for Telecommunication Sciences / Research / Radio Wave Propagation / Propagation Modeling Website (PMW)

Propagation Modeling Website (PMW)

PMW login screen

The Propagation Modeling Website (PMW) is a web-based radio frequency (RF) propagation modeling tool that allows other US federal government agencies to benefit from over 50 years of ITS expertise in RF propagation modeling.

Propagation Modeling

PMW enables users to model the propagation of radio frequencies from 10 kHz to 20 GHz using any of the following propagation models: TIREM 3.15, Longley-Rice 1.22, COST 231 Extended Okumura-Hata, Undisturbed Field/Mobile-to-Mobile, Low Frequency/Medium Frequency (LF/MF), ICEWave, and ITURHFProp.

Complex and Customizable Analysis

Propagation analyses may be performed in single analysis or batch mode. In single analysis mode, users can geographically select a transmitter from an embedded interactive map display and specify a variety of customizable parameters to perform detailed and complex analyses. PMW also supports Planet and Celwave antenna patterns to provide even higher fidelity modeling.

SingleTransmitterMap.JPGAntennaPattern.JPG Scalable Batch Processing

PMW's batch processing capability enables users to perform these same complex analyses, but for hundreds of transmitters. Users can upload the analysis information in an Excel® transmitter file and PMW will automatically queue and process each analysis in parallel based on the hardware capabilities.

Automated Storage and Search

PMW automatically stores each analysis specification as well as the output so that it may be retrieved or modified and rerun at a later date. The search interface allows users to retrieve analyses based on the date on which they were performed, the country, state, county, owner, name, propagation model, user name or batch file name.

Standard Formats

PMW creates TIFF, KMZ and shapefiles for the propagation model results to enable interoperability with other visualization and analysis software. This enables users to create and share powerful products.


Composites and Population Reports

The model results from many transmitters may be automatically combined in a single composite file and PMW can perform a complex analysis to produce a population coverage estimate down to the census block level.


Additional Information

For additional information or access to PMW, contact the PMW program lead, Douglas Boulware, or

Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
325 Broadway, MC ITS.D
Boulder, CO 80305-3337
(303) 497-3571