ITS: The Nation’s Spectrum and Communications Lab
Our mission is to ADVANCE innovation in communications technologies, INFORM spectrum and communications policy for the benefit of all stakeholders, and INVESTIGATE our Nation’s most pressing telecommunications challenges through research that employees are proud to deliver. Learn more about ITS on our YouTube Channel or read about our research programs in the Technical Progress Report.
July 22, 2024
ITS has released a new technical memorandum titled “Joint Analyses of No-Reference Speech Quality Estimation Tools and Conference Speech Recorded in Diverse Real-World Conditions.”...
April 1, 2024
ITS, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense’s FutureG Office, hosted the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) Forum in Dallas, Texas, from March 26 to 28.
The 2024 RIC Forum brought government, military, telecommunications...
November 13, 2023
The goal of the two-year 5G Challenge was to accelerate the adoption of 5G open interfaces, interoperable subsystems,...
Recent Publications
Stephen D. Voran and Jaden Pieper, “A Powerful, Fixed-Size Modulation Spectrum Representation for Perceptually Consistent Speech Evaluation,” Technical Memorandum NTIA TM-24-274, September 2024
We develop the wideband fixed-size modulation spectra (FMS) and show that they contain the necessary information to perform perceptually consistent evaluation of speech. We compare FMS with the already established frame-based modula-tion spectra as r...
Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, “ISART 2022: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies: Evolving Spectrum-Sharing Regulation through Data-, Science-, and Technology-Driven Analysis and Decision-making,” Conference Proceedings NITA SP-24-573, August 2024
The topic of the 2022 International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies™ (ISART 2022), which took place fully virtually June 13, 14, 15, and 16, 2022, was “Evolving Spectrum-Sharing Regulation through Data-, Science-, and Technology-Driven Analy...
This Month in ITS History
October 1957: Sputnik, Earth’s First Artificial Satellite Launched
On October 4, 1957 the USSR launched the Sputnik satellite into an elliptical Earth orbit as a part of the International Geophysical Year (IGY). The launch of the Sputnik (Russian for satellite) shocked American citizens, and marked the beginning of the US/USSR space race that President Kennedy announced four years later. The International Council of Scientific Unions had declared July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958, a time of high solar activity, the International Geophysical Year, and resolved that artificial satellites should be launched to assist in mapping the earth and the atmosphere. The US launched its contribution to the effort, the satellite Vanguard, on March 17, ...