October 1980 | Technical Report TR-80-50
VIDEOTEX Systems and Services
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L. R. Bloom, A. Glenn Hanson, Robert F. Linfield, and David R. Wortendyke, “VIDEOTEX Systems and Services,” Technical Report TR-80-50, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, October 1980.
L. R. Bloom, A. Glenn Hanson, Robert F. Linfield, and David R. Wortendyke
Abstract: A new, consumer–oriented family of innovative information distribution services, generically termed VIDEOTEX, is being offered to the European and Japanese public. Several field trials are underway in the U.S. Normally using a modified home TV receiver as the display terminal, services provide user access to broad varieties of computerized data banks. Distribution to the user is typically via broadcast TV (one–way services) or the switched telephone network (two–way, interactive services). Also, there exist hybrid services in which the requested service may be transmitted over a different medium than the received information. This report discusses representative services and distribution system architectures, potential impact on the telephone network, the need for and status of standards, and economic considerations for user and suppliers.
Keywords: broadcast television; coding formats; communication; computer networks; data bank; data communication; data networks; display; Green Thumb; information distribution; information retrieval; information systems; network architecture; non-speech telecommunications; standards; systems architecture; telecommunications; telephone network; Teletext; television receiver; terminal; VIDEOTEX; Viewdata
Disclaimer: Certain commercial equipment, components, and software may be identified in this report to specify adequately the technical aspects of the reported results. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, nor does it imply that the equipment or software identified is necessarily the best available for the particular application or uses.
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