2007 ISART Speaker Slides
Tutorial A: Path-Specific Propagation Models for Subgroup 3K-1 , Paul McKenna, NTIA/ITS and Alakananda Paul, NTIA/OSM
Tutorial B: International Spectrum Management: NASA’s Perspective , Glenn Feldhake, NASA John Glenn Research Center
Tutorial C: EM Propagation Modeling and System EM Propagation Modeling and System Performance Assessment , Wayne L. Patterson and Amalia E. Barrios , Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego
Simulation and Modelling of Propagation Paths Involving the Indoor/Outdoor Interface , David Bacon, dB Spectrum Services Ltd, and Nick Thomas, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Spectrum Sharing and Potential Spectrum Sharing and Potential Interference to Radars , Brent Bedford and Frank Sanders, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS)
Potential Cognitive Radio Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures , Amita Sethi and Timothy X Brown, University of Colorado
Combining Cognitive Radio and Software Radio Approach for Low Complexity Receiver Architecture , Edmund Coersmeier, Marc Hoffmann, Harald Bothe, Nokia Research Center, Germany, Klaus Hueske, University of Dortmund, Germany, Felix Leder, Peter Martini, University of Bonn, Germany
Hybrid Propagation Models for Broadcast Coverage Predictions and Spectrum Management , Emanoel Costa, CETUC-PUC/Rio, Brasil, Markus Liniger, Hochschule für Technik und Informatik, Switzerland
Apartment Building RF Penetration Measurements Using an Ultra-Wideband Measurement System , Robert Johnk, Dennis Camell, Chriss Grosvenor, Galen Koepke, David Novotny, Kate Remley, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Wideband Channel Characteristics for Indoor Reception of Satellite Transmissions at 2.4 GHz , Richard Rudd, Aegis Systems Ltd, UK
Science, Engineering and Regulation — Support for Future Radiocommunications , Carol Wilson, ITU-R Working Party 3M Chairman, Wireless Technologies Laboratory, Australia
A Study on the Impact of UWB Sensor on the Mobile Station of Next Generation Mobile System in Korea , Young-Keun Yoon, Heon-Jin Hong, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea, Yan-Ming Cheng, Il-Kyoo Lee, Kongju National University, Korea